Website Maintenance Record Website Submitter's Name Email Address Phone Number Maintenance Tasks Performed Maintenance Tasks Performed Validated that backups are functioning normally A restore point (backup) was created prior to maintenance. An image screenshot of the website before maintenance was taken. A Wordfence security scan was initiated. Available WordPress core updates were applied. Available theme updates were applied. Website was verified against the pre-maintenance screenshot image. A basic functionality test of forms and plugins was performed. The 404 log in RankMath was reviewed for hits & redirects were created as necessary. All caches were cleared at the end of maintenance. Were any issues encountered during this maintenance? Were any issues encountered during this maintenance? No Yes What issues did you encounter and how did you resolve them? Were you able to resolve ALL of the issues that you encountered? Were you able to resolve ALL of the issues that you encountered? Yes No What issues remain unresolved? Do you need assistance resolving the remaining issues? Do you need assistance resolving the remaining issues? Yes No Is there anything additional that you'd like us to know about this maintenance? Are you interested in discussing Website Care Plan options with our team at this time? Are you interested in discussing Website Care Plan options with our team at this time? Yes No Submit Record